South Georgia Church of God Women's Ministries has always led the way in giving. As we continue to move forward throughout 2023, we encourage you to partner with us and all the ministries we are able to bless.
With your continued support these ministries are able to continue to provide the important ministry in which they are focused.
To learn more about each specific giving opportunity, please check out our video section and perspective links.
Thank you for your continued support with Women's Ministry giving.
With your continued support these ministries are able to continue to provide the important ministry in which they are focused.
To learn more about each specific giving opportunity, please check out our video section and perspective links.
Thank you for your continued support with Women's Ministry giving.
Fill out the form. Save it to your computer and email to wdpres@sgacog.org.
Women’s Ministries exists as an avenue to empower women for Christian service. Around our world, dedicated women are making a significant difference by devoting their time, talents and financial resources to accomplish ministry. To help achieve these ministry objectives, we want to provide an atmosphere where women can:
*Mature Spiritually
*Develop their ministry and leadership gifts
*Promote personal daily devotions, prayer and Word.
*To contribute to the general welfare of home, church, community and world.
*Support Benevolence and mission projects
*Mature Spiritually
*Develop their ministry and leadership gifts
*Promote personal daily devotions, prayer and Word.
*To contribute to the general welfare of home, church, community and world.
*Support Benevolence and mission projects